Thursday, September 2, 2010


Week 2, Discussion Q. 2


I think quite often we hear really vague or ambiguous statements in our day to day life. I notice that a lot of stuff that is vague on tv, in ads and such because they catch our attention, but dont really give full meaning to all that they're saying. Such as the fast talking exclusions at the end of commercials and the tampon/pad commercials with blue liquid? Weird. But for my example, I work in a hair salon, and a really vague statement that came from a client was that she needed hair loss shampoo because "she was bald." That statement falls under the category of vague because the client who came in was not CLEARLY bald, like with no hairs on her head, nor was she clearly NOT bald, like a full head of thick hair. She would have been better off saying she is balding or losing hair to sound less vague.


  1. Hello! (:

    I agree with you that television, ads and possibly the media in general give out vague statements sometimes. Companies just want the consumer to be interested in their product and want them to buy it despite all it's flaws. Sadly, most individuals see past all the details about a product and just buy it with the vague information they are given. Once they receive or buy the product it's not what they expect.

    As for your example, your right if the client wasn't completely bald then she should've said I'm losing my hair or balding to make it more clear and less vague.

  2. I absolutely agree with your interpretation of the commercial ads. They are mostly vague statements that mean nothing and yet they think it will get to buy the product,but it actually makes you want to buy the product less! I also like your example which demonstrates you point perfectly with the blue liquid commercial. We hear so many vague and strange things on commercials that we start to get overwhelmed and start buying products that end up not being what we expected. In the end I agree with your post and I hope companies will wise up and see that these vague statement are not a good way to communicate their produce to people.
