Saturday, September 11, 2010


Week 2, Q. 3

I found the part about leaders in groups and their decision making and effectiveness quite interesting. I think that different types of leaders are needed for different things and the way they lead and the decisions they make will impact or affect each group accordingly. I think I particularly found this piece interesting because while I was in high school, I was in the student government. Student government has no harsh rules (laws) or anything, but they are in charge of makin many decisions that will affect their fellow schoolmates.

Obviously, high school leadership is a democracy. We consult with our peers to come to a good decision, as well as with our teachers and faculty. This is most important I think because it takes away some of the complaining that can happen in different situations.

In the case of a person like the principle or the superintendant of a school district, it is not so much democracy, as it is a communist type of leadership. With their two jobs, they have the option to make decisions and really have the end choice in the matter.

I think it is really important to know about leadership roles and how things are run for many reasons. its very important so you can know what is happening and why. & especially because if you are allowed to voice your opinion, like in a democracy, you should utilize it.

1 comment:

  1. I would have to agree with you about finding that certain topic interesting. I like how you put it in regards to high school where everyone can relate to it. your example helps explain the text even more. I liked your specific example talking about decision making in student government in high school. You talk about which different types of leadership can form and how they work function. You also give your opinion of the different types of leadership which is a nice touch. Good post, filled with information that is easy for students to relate to.
