Saturday, September 18, 2010


Week 3, Q. 3

Appeal to Emotion.

This is the original appeal that I wanted to write about because I notice that it is the appeal that captures me the most. I am a self proclimed emotional person. it definitely does not take a lot to make me cry when people talk about personal things, or to latch on to others feelings, like in movies. When I watch television, sometimes I notice myself smiling at the tv, laughing out loud, or even crying as though my heart too, is broken. This is because what is on tv is appealing to my emotions.
The number one thing I can think of are the save a pet commercials with the hurt distressed cats and dogs in the background with the horribly sad song. The woman is asking us to "Everyday innocent animals are beaten, neglected and abused. Will you save one today?" Its an appeal to emotion because it makes usbelieve we must pay this monthly fee to help or adopt 18 pets because we feel upset for the abused animals and drawn into them.


  1. Appeal to emotion was a very interesting fallacy to read about. I like the example you used about animals. It’s also very true that television uses Appeal to Emotion to persuade people. I’ve seen many commercials with sad images injured animals with a melancholic piano song or something playing in the background. It definitely stirs up emotions when I see them. They often make you say “How sad,” or “That’s terrible!” The creators of the commercial want you to pay some amount of money to help out, so they appeal to our emotions because we all are humans with some kind of conscience.

  2. The media is really good with emotions.
    Like you said with the commercial for the pets, they used pictures of weak or sick pets so that viewers have pity for them. notice as well the music, they are playing a sad music to get in touch with the viewers as well. But then again TV LOVES to manipulate viewers and most of the time they have to lie to make the public feel a certain way. One advertisement I remember It was about sponsoring a kid in third-world country and I remember they done a weak job on the commercial. They had a white old fat man making comments near a little kid. If they would made the commercial like the abused pets, then maybe the ad would be more emotional to people.
