Friday, October 8, 2010


Week 7, Q. 2

Chapter 7 and 2 things I learned.

Chapter 7 is all about counterarguments. It is really important to learn about these because in our writing we wont always be only making arguments, we will also have to defend what we are saying and to be able to recognize the faults in other peoples writings. This chapter teaches how to raise objections and to refute an argument.

Raising objections: This is the standard way to show that an argument is bad. Raising objections will usually show how an argument is weak, but having a good counter argument, a prepared answer to defend what you are arguing, will make it stronger. It can be challenging but is necessarry to make the argument strong.

Refuting an argument: There are three different ways to refute an argument directly, according to chapter 7. You can show that one or more of the premises is dubious, you can show that the conclusion is infact false, or you can plainly point out that the argument is wrong or not valid. The ways to indirectly refute an argument is to reduce to the absurd or to ridicule.

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