Sunday, November 7, 2010

nov. 7-13 post 1.

1. Reasoning by Analogy
Boys like ice cream. Girls like ice cream. Therefore, everybody likes ice cream!

2. Sign Reasoning
Flashing battery icon on a cellphone means to recharge the battery.

3. Causal Reasoning
Too much fatty fried foods cause artery build-up.

4. Reasoning by Criteria
(This one is taken off the internet. I couldn't think of any good ones on my own.) How will we know when we have succeeded? Let's discuss this first...

5. Reasoning by Example
Eat Subway sandwiches to lose weight. Haven't you seen Jared on the commercials? Jared lost tons of weight by eating Subways sandwiches.

6. Inductive Reasoning
Every Friday I have practice. Today is Saturday. CONCLUSION: I do not have practice today.

7. Deductive Reasoning
All lions are felines. All felines have a tail. All lions have a tail.

I think after reading all of these that these are good valid examples, but I could be wrong. The only one I had an issue making an example for was the one example for reasoning by criteria. I'm not sure why it's such an issue for me...

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