Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Week 2, Discussion Q. 1

Subjective & Objective Claims

An objective claim is something stated that is unarguably true. So for example, "My twenty-first birthday falls on a Friday," is an objective statement. There is really no arguement that on January 20, 2012 it will be a Friday and I will be celbrating my twenty-first birthday. A subjective claim is more of an opinion that can be proven true or false depending on who is viewing it. So an example of subjective claim, also regarding my birthday, would be saying "I had the craziest Sweet 16 birthday ever," because depending on who sees/says that, that statement does not always hold true. I think subjective/objective claims are made pretty much all day, every day in life and I never really noticed the difference until now.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Hello COMM41 ! I'm Justina. I am a 2nd year here at SJSU and I love it! I have taken a comm class last semester, and I really enjoyed it. I hardly find myself nervous to speak in front of people, so for the most part it's fun for me. I'm in customer service, so I'm really comfortable with speaking in front of people and to people I don't know. I've also spoken in front of bigger crowds like at my highschool graduation. However the main part of communicating is knowing WHAT to say, and that's where I think I could benefit most from this class. I think it would be good to learn to articulate myself a little better. This will be my first online class, but I'm looking forward to it. I know a lot of people who take online classes and I think I'll be able to get just as much out of this class as I would if I were to go into one. Hopefully it all goes smooth. I'm interested in sports and hanging out with friends. My brothers both play football, so I usually attend their games. I'm reallllllllly family oriented, so I'm usually out with them. I like shopping and cooking and LOVE taking pictures.